Friday 7 October 2016

A Little Story

Well, how long has it been since I have blogged? Simply far too long .... doesn't it seem that sometimes life just rushes by and before you know it it's October and the Autumn has arrived full of its beautiful caramel and burnt orange colours.

I thought I would just tell you a little about myself and Seth & Berties so you can have a peek behind the curtain.

I was born in 1965 - where did that time go .......   I finished my A levels at my local comp and went to the University of Wolverhampton where I managed to get a degree in English and History.   When I was 20 and in my final year at Uni, my Dad passed away after a very short battle with Cancer.  Devastating wasn't the word.  I know many of you will have been through something similar so you will understand that feeling of being completely lost.  I couldn't understand how the world could go on without my wonderful Dad in it.  I managed to crawl through the final few months of Uni, still feeling lost and that suddenly the world was a very cruel place.

I had gone to Uni thinking I would teach history when I left, but I that just didn't interest me anymore. Going from school to Uni and back to school didn't seem right to me any more so I decided to look for another job instead.  I managed to get an interview through a lucky twist -with a local firm of Accountants - I had always sworn I would never have an office job but here I was and I settled right in.  Everyone was so friendly and I just felt as if I fit there, it was such a relief to just push myself into learning new things which took my mind away from the heartbreak and helped me to heal again.

It was whilst working here that I met my now husband - Peter.  28 years and 2 daughters later, we are still going strong.  I had my eldest daughter when I was 25 and my youngest at 29 - very early it seems to me now, but my Mum was 40 when she had me and I always wanted to be younger and have more energy for my kids.

When I was 30 my Mum passed away - an asthma attack - and the saddest thing seems to me that neither she or my Dad got to know my children and to see what wonderful human beings they have turned out to be.  Hannah has vague memories of my Mum, but I know they would have gotten on so well, they have the same sense of fashion and Hannah would have loved listening to all the stories about my Mum growing up.  Beth and my Dad would also have had so much in common.  They are both such practical people with hearts of gold.

Anyhow to speed things up for you - Peter and I left our jobs 1989 and he and a colleague set up their own Accountancy practice with me in tow helping out with all the legal and company secretarial side.  The business is still going strong today and I still help out on a part time basis which is lovely as its so nice to keep up to date with new ideas and technology (and to have a chat to some of the lovely young staff he has working for him!!)

In April 2014 after 10 years of increasing pain I had both knees replaced ( a bilateral tkr)  Things went a little awry and I came round to the surgeon apologising for what had gone wrong. For a minute I thought he may have cut my legs off !! Turns out when he was drilling to put the new knee in the drill went through my femur so I woke up with two new knees and a brace on my left leg and to be told that I couldn't put any weight on it for 12 weeks.  I came home after a week in hospital and had 4 months of the brace which was a very frustrating time. For the first couple of months I was literally lying in bed most of the day, completing the physio and walking around the bedrooms for a few minutes at a time to keep the muscles in my legs from disappearing.  
This pic was taken about a month after the op.  I can honestly say that it was the best thing I have ever done. Despite all the frustration I didn't feel any pain and the relief from the arthritis is incredible. I literally feel a good 20 years younger because I can walk around now with no pain at all whereas before it was so bad I couldn't even go shopping because it was excruciating.  I had a lot of time to watch box sets and think about life

I had been feeling for a good few years, that I really wanted to do something for myself - a bit of a cliche I know.  I had no idea what to do.  I love my home so much, and many of my friends when they visit have always said to me that its a place when you come in and just relax - that is the best compliment anyone could ever give me.  I have always loved hunting around for unusual things for my home, and trying to bring an atmosphere of cosy comfort.  Then a few years ago I spotted some Walther & Co lanterns on Pinterest and fell in love with them.  Unfortunately I couldn't get any from anywhere which left me feeling very frustrated.  I visited Bath to see my youngest daughter who was at Uni there - walked into a little independent shop and came face to face with some little tin houses.
I just loved them and bought a couple.  When I got home I began to look for more to add to my collection but couldn't find them anywhere.  Then it struck me, why not source them and set up my own Online shop to see if anyone else would like them as much as I did.  I spent a couple of months hunting around and finally found a supplier.  I was so nervous as although I have used computers in my work, I had never ever set up a website or run a business. I did begin to wonder what an earth I was doing.  Would anyone else like my things to turn houses into homes or would it be a complete failure?  I set up shop in September 2015 and in November I managed to persuade Walther & Co to allow me to become an official stockist of their gorgeous zinc lamps.  It was a big gamble for me - a large minimum order and no idea if it would sell at all.  My sister in law Angela, took me to visit her neighbour - Victoria and it was whilst mulling this over with them that I decided to take the plunge and go for it.  

I am so happy to say that people do love them as much as me! 

I am sorry for this being such a long blog post but I wanted you to know a little about me and why my little home shop started.  Promise the next post won't be so long!!

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