Monday 11 April 2016

Morning All xxxx

Just wanted to share this picture with you of the beautiful hand printed little cushions I bought at Bath Artisan Fair on Sunday.  Sarah the lady who makes them, hand prints the fabric and the colours are so soft and muted because of that which makes them extra special!! I also had to pick up some Rupert keyring from Sarah as he is my absolute favourite.  I had all the Rupert annuals when I was younger and I used to love sitting looking at all the beautiful illustrations and reading the stories.  Takes me right back to my childhood. Sarah's work can be seen on Instagram @benningsarah - take a look its well worth it.

Thank you Judy @mardlecottage  for the lovely darning mushroom as well.  I am going to find a special place to keep that.  My Grandmother had one very similar.  I think I am on a trip down memory lane this morning aren't I?

I woke up this morning and saw this on Pinterest and it kind of sums up how I am feeling at the moment.  I hit 51 last month and suddenly life seems to be going way too fast! Suddenly I feel time may not be on my side, so I want to rush and cram in all the things I always wanted to do.  I want to look back at a life well lived, not of missed opportunities.  I used to moan about getting older, then a friend said to me "Be thankful for each birthday, because it shows you are still alive". I don't moan any more :-)

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I am off to take these two little rascals for a walk - they look like butter wouldn't melt don't they - but their barking tells a different story.

Karen xxx

1 comment:

  1. I know how you Feel karen. I will be hitting 53 this year. I've stopped counting and had to call my husband the other day to check how old I was when filling out a car hire form. But I have a big family all still living at home so they keep me on my toes. I'm the only female in the house (4 men)
    I think you have to take every opportunity that comes your way if its something you fancy.. once its gone, its gone.

    I remember those Rupert bear annuals too. My mum used to order them in for christmas from the local sweet shop.Think Rupert was for my nephews though as I was slightly older and preferred "Jackie"
